Well, it's actually April 2nd that I'm posting this, but it's my first post
in April, okay?
Work has been progressing. It's amazing what you can achieve by trying to do an hour every day or so! Not always possible of course but I've been inching along. There have been two more trips to B&Q too for more slabs and timber, plus some of my long neglected garden equipment stash has been brought out from the dusty recesses of the shed. Gardening stash? Why yes, of course. every November when the supermarkets reduce their seeds, sundries and gardening equipment by 90% or so I' stock up. I hate buying things full price.
View from upstairs window...
Yes, actual gardening has been taking place in that I have been sowing seeds and planting up some containers. It's nice to get some colour into the place.
Back wall...this is the fruit bed, with not only an apple tree but also a gooseberry bush, two currant bushes and some late fruiting raspberries. I'm going to plant some strawberries along the front edge as well. The border is actually a lot wider than it looks at this angle. It's about 70cm wide and I've added a lot of compost and top dressing to improve fertility. I'll have to rig up some sort of wall net during the fruiting season though otherwise the birds will have the lot.
Views of the side beds. This rose arch was a 99p sale buy from Lidl three years ago...I've got three. This one is to support the honeysuckle. There's a bird box in the honeysuckle too btw, and I think it's been occupied by a pair of Great Tits this year.
A second arch is going in along the wall here.
And this is the WIP section. I am digging out this roundish bed, then beyond that is a rectangular bed 2.40m long and there will be a third bed of roughly the same size where the bench and Christmas tree are..
Lots to do yet of course, but I'm happy with progress so far. It's not a big garden thouugh so I won't be able to get much more by way of bed growing area. I'm intending to add some large pots though and there's always the greenhouse. Long term though? That climbing frame will be gone one day, I hope!